If you haven’t’ realized yet Steam mops are the best tool to use for cleaning that filthy grime off of your floors. Not only do they clean through some of the dirtiest muck but they also sanitize your floor at the same time.
How great is that?
But I bet you didn’t know that you could use your steam mop for several other things than just cleaning your floors. Make sure you check out our theme steam mop hacks for even more ideas. One of the latest uses for the best steam mop is removing wallpaper from your wall.
Removing wallpaper with a steam mop, What, really?
You bet we have all been there at least once in your life and if you haven’t’ I recommend you quit reading this and hire someone to do it for you. Trust me it is no fun at all. But if you are willing to drudge forward and tackle this project make sure you have your trusty stem mop.
Any of these top 5 steam mops we used in our steam mop reviews will work just fine. Today we are going to show you just how much easier a steam mop can make this task.
Before starting we need to prep the area. One thing to consider before we jump into removing the wallpaper is just how heavy is your steam mop? I mean think about it you don’t live in a dollhouse, so chances are your walls are 8ft or taller. The last thing you want to do is lift a heavy steam mop up and down your walls. So we recommend a cordless steam mop or pocket mop for this adventure.
Now that you have your steam mop it is time to get started. Are you ready? First fill up your steam mop with water. Next, it is time to let that little sucker heat up. Make sure you put it on the scrub or a higher temp setting. The hotter steam helps breakdown the glue in the wallpaper and make it even easier to pull the wallpaper off.
Divide and Conquer
The easiest way to tackle this task is to divide your wall into sections or strips. Most wallpapers are 24 – 36in wide. So naturally it makes sense to try and work in small sections of 24 or 36in wide and 36 to 48in tall. I know it is a small area, but trust me it is far easier to focus your energy in a small area than to try and work on a whole wall all at once. Create a checkerboard on your wall with multiple sections and work on removing one section at a time until it is all removed.
Now that you have removed all that old floral wallpaper from your walls it is time to clean up. But guess what you already have the tool you need warmed up and ready to go. That’s right your steam mop. Pretty sweet that the same tool you used to strip your wallpaper with is the one you can clean up your floors with. Just make sure you do one thing first, change out the pad on your steam mop before you do. Don’t want to transfer any of that sticky glue onto your beautiful floors.
Wrapping it Up
Believe it or not that is it. I know seems to simple to be true doesn’t’ it. Your powerful little steam mop has turned one of the hardest jobs in remodeling a home or drastically changing the interior of your home into a simple project.
To find out how your steam mop is more like a Swiss army knife for cleaning Click Here.
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