Steam mops are Gods gifts to moms and dads, especially when it comes to cleaning. I’m sure you already knew that they could clean tile floors, laminate floors, and hardwood floors. But did you know that they can clean carpet and furniture too. But in order do ensure they last a long time you have to take proper care of it. Other wise your steam mop will be off to steam mop heaven in know time, bad news for us moms and dads.
Guess what though, taking care of your steam mop is simpler than you think. All it takes is a little bit of time and some patience. If you take just a little extra time to keep your steam mop running well it will provide to be one of the best cleaning tools in your arsenal. Even better is by taking proper care of the best steam mops it will provide you several years of joyful cleaning. I’m sure you have read all those steam mop reviews and said yea that’s great, but have you tested it out after a few months or years. Truth is we have and our Bissell steam mop is going on almost 2years now. These simple to apply tips and tricks for maintaining your steam mop will ensure yours does too.
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Clean Your Mop Pads
Make it a ritual to check your cleaning pads after every use. Take a close look and see if there is any residual buildup on them. If they look dirty or greasy take the pads off your steam mop and place them in a water bath with liquid dish soap and some bleach. Don’t use powdered detergents because they have harmful particles that can damage your mop pads.
There comes a time when your pads will need to be replaced and no matter how hard you try you wont be able to clean them. That’s okay we would rather replace the mop pads any day over the actual steam mop. But make sure you purchase pads that are compatible with your steam mop.
Hot Water can cause Scaling
Any easy way to look for hard water deposits or scale is to look for a light white haze in your water tank our interior of your pad holder. A white almost chalky deposit is a tell tale sign of hard water deposits. If you find these you have a couple options, firs most manufacturers offer a descaling unit or product specifically designed for your steam mop. Second, mix up a bowl of two parts water one part distilled vinegar and put that in your water tank to clean with. The vinegar acts as a naturally descaling material and will help remove those deposits.
Yes Yes I know I mentioned adding vinegar in the paragraph above, just wanted to see if you were paying attention or not. 95% of the time water is the only thing you should put in your steam mops water reservoir, unless you start to see hard water deposits. Then and only then can you use the mixture mentioned above. Don’t ever place cleaning chemicals or compounds into your steam mop, there are special ingredients that could plug up your steam mop or even worse corrode the internals of your favorite cleaning wand. The worse part, this will most definitely void your manufacturers warranty.
Give your Steam Mop a Proper Home
This goes without saying but after every use you should properly store your steam mop. After all this article is about maintaining your steam mop. Make sure after every use you take off your cleaning pad, inspect it, and empty the excess water out of your water tank. Next you should inspect your steam mop for any signs of wear or water deposits and the outside of the mop down. Lastly, place your steam mop in a secure location like your pantry or laundry room.
Simple enough isn’t it? If you can follow this simple outline your steam mop will provide you with several years of cleaning bliss. However if you don’t take proper care of your steam mop, you can bet you will be in the market for a new one every year if your are lucky. Be a friend and take care of your steam mop, it has feelings too. If you are in the market for a new steam mop make sure you check out are reviews on the best selling steam mops.
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